Sweet Rubles: We have just entered Russian airspace

02 August 2005

We have just entered Russian airspace

I'm old enough to remember at time when hearing those words from the
cockpit of your airplane would be cause for panic. However, now it is
as normal as if the pilot said we'd crossed into the Mountain time
zone. Getting through immigration and customs was a breeze in Moscow
compared to Vladivostok three years ago. I don't know if their
procedures changed or if it is the universal difference between
operations in cosmopolitan and provincial areas. I was met at the
airport Friday night by a couple of people from the university, and
was joined by some Chinese students who are here on a similar language
training program. Whisked to the dorm at the university where I was
dumped off, relieved of my passport (so I could be properly registered
with the authorities) and left to fend for myself until Monday
morning, when I had to register in several offices and pay for my
dorm. Got familiar with the Metro (subway) on Sunday, when I managed
to contact an acquaintance who generously met me and helped me buy a
cell phone and set up service. Befriended a Belgian guy and Norwegian
girl as we went through the registration process yesterday at the
language school. They both speak fluent English, of course, which is
nice for me. Although I'm comfortable speaking Russian, it's far from
perfect and it's nice to have a break. I should mention how great it
is to have kiosks on every corner where you can buy fruit, vegetables,
bread, hot food, ice cream, and all kinds of water, juice, soda, and
beer. The Russians really know how to do some things well. For
example, when we were waiting at the airport for the Chinese students,
I saw a guy walking around drinking a beer, right in the terminal
waiting area. You can walk down the street here drinking a beer
without getting in trouble. I understand it's like that in Europe as
well. I'm not a big drinker, but I think that's plain cool.


At 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 7:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is cool - beer ... ohohhohhohhohhhhh


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